The Committee on Accreditation (COA) is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the National Professional Qualifications System.
The COA reviews applications for accreditation, re-Accreditation, and extension requests; conducts initial accreditation and re-accreditation site visit evaluations; collectively approves or denies requests for accreditation or changes to accredited processes; renders opinions to ensure that there is consistency across the Pro Board system; and, ensures compliance with the operating procedures of the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications.
The Advisory Committee elects seven members and one alternate to the COA and the Board of Directors appoints the remaining members. Members representing the Advisory Committee are elected in alternating years for three-year terms and they may be elected to successive terms. Members serving at the pleasure of the Board of Directors are appointed annually. The Chair of the Advisory Committee, a member of the Board of Directors, shall also serve on the COA in an ex-officio advisory capacity. The newly elected Chair could also stand for election as a full member of the COA.
The COA meets in-person at least every four months and meets via teleconference phone as needed but no less than once in between the in-person meetings.
Committee on Accreditation Members
Brian R. Brauer
COA Chair
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL 61802
Robert W. Rand
COA Vice Chair & Accreditation Manager
Westborough, MA 01581
John Culbertson
Advisory Committee Chair & COA Member
Montana State University Fire Service Training
Great Falls, MT 59404
Jane Duncan
COA Member
STARS Air Ambulance (retired)
Steve Gervais
COA Member
Lafayette, LA 70506
Martinez Jacobs
COA Member
HIDOT Airports
Honolulu, HI 96819-1800
Tracey L. Johnson
COA Member
University of Illinois Fire Service Institute
Champaign, IL
Alan E. Joos, EFO, CFO, MS, FIFireE
COA Member
Nebraska State Fire Marshal Agency
Grand Island, NE 68803
Michael Lee
COA Member
New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control
Albany, NY 12226
Kevin J. O’Connell
COA Member
Louisville Fire Department (retired)
Louisville, KY 40203
Mark Pare
COA Member
Rhode Island Fire Academy
Exeter, RI 02822
Vilma Perez-Atwood
COA Member
International Association of Fire Fighters
Washington, DC 20006
Lisa Pine
COA Member
Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control
Lakewood, CO 80215
Andrela Riley
COA Member
South Carolina Fire Academy
Columbia, SC 29203
Alton Robinson
COA Member
U.S. Department of Defense Firefighter Certification System
Tyndall AFB, FL 32403-5319
Chris Senaratne
COA Member
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA T6W 1H8
Matt Sherwood
COA Member
Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service
College Station, TX 77845-3424
Daniel Smith
COA Member
The Villages, FL 32163
Emma Thomas
COA Member
Colorado Metropolitan Certification Board
Lakewood, CO 80235
Tara Youngblood
COA Alternate-1
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078-8041
Earl “Rob” Freese
COA Alternate-2
Director, Accreditation, Certification, & Curriculum Development
Public Safety Training & Certification
275 Swamp Road, Newtown, PA 18940
Craig Richardson
Technical Analyst
Nanaimo Fire Rescue (retired)
Nanaimo, BC V9R3B5
Ryan Snow
Technical Analyst
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL 61802
Document Review Teams
Team A | Team B | Team C |
O’Connell | Senaratne | Perez-Atwood |
Gervais | Lee | Jacobs |
Duncan | Smith | Johnson |
Pine | Culbertson | Thomas |
Riley | Pare | Joos |
Youngblood | Sherwood | Robinson |
Freese |